Week 4, Day 2

With each passing day, my level of excitement is just skyrocketing here. I think I’m going to cap the YouTube videos and Googling for a while. This perpetual state of extreme happiness and excitement can’t possibly be healthy for my heart. 😛 😛 😛

Meals of the day

Meal 1: 1 scoop of whey protein, 1 multivitamin (at 16 00)

Snack: 2 Danone Actimel (at 18 00)

Meal 2: Tuna paste with bread biscotti (at 22 00)

week 4, day 2


Steady rate cardio at speed 8.5 for 10 minutes followed by HIIT for 20 minutes at speeds 5.7 and 11.5-12.0.

Day 2: Shoulders, biceps, triceps

Week 4, Day 1

YAY… My weight is once again below 60 kg! 😀 😀 😀


This is a big moment. Huge actually. No messing about this time. I’m NEVER going to let myself get fat again, bar if and when I someday decide I want a kid. Then again, there is surrogacy! 😛 😛 😛


If you couldn’t tell, I was having a moment there. Moving on..

Next Monday I leave for Rome. I decided that I’m going to do things a little differently this time. Usually when I go on holiday I disappear and I only resurface on the blog once I’m back. But I’m not going to disappear this time. I will keep updating the blog daily. It would be nice to write about my day and tell you guys what I’m up to. It seems like I’m always talking gym and tuna and grilled chicken. It would be nice to talk about more pleasant things for a change. Like did you know Vatican City is actually a country? The world’s smallest country, with its own government, that makes its own laws, that are enforced by its own police, who put people who break them in its own jail. It also has its own bank, prints its own stamps, issues its own license plates AND it has its own top level domain, .va!

I didn’t know any of that! So yeah, the blog is going to get updated everyday and we’ll talk about things other than weight loss. I might throw in a few weight loss details here and there but that’s inevitable if I’m writing about my meals.

And speaking of meals…

Meals of the day

Meal 1: Stir-fried rice noodles (at 17 00)

Snack: Skipped it

Meal 2: 3 bread rolls with sardines (at 21 00)

week 4, day 1


Steady rate cardio at speed 8.5 for 10 minutes followed by HIIT for 20 minutes at speeds 5.7 (walking speed) and 11.0-11.8 (sprinting speed).

Day 1: Back, chest, abs

Week 3, Day 7

So I leave for Rome in 7 days! I’m so excited! 😀 😀 😀 I think this trip is going to be one of my best so far. The city seems promising. People rave about the food. And above all else, I’m looking forward to some serious shopping. I can’t wait…

Meals of the day

Meal 1: Tesco’s Frosted Flakes (1 serving) with skimmed milk (at 14 00)

Snack: 1 mango, 2 bananas (at 16 00)

Meal 2: Beef and vegetable stir-fry (at 19 30)



Rest day.

Week 3, Day 6

A bad gym day in a very long time… I really didn’t expect that.

Meals of the day

Meal 1: Skipped it

Snack: 2 Danone Actimel (at 17 00)

Meal 2: Stir-fried rice noodles (at 22 00)

week 3, day 6


20 minutes steady rate cardio at speed 8.5 and 9.0 (2 x 10 minutes). It was supposed to be 30 minutes and above but I barely made it to 20 minutes.

A Birthday Message

September 27…

It’s someone’s birthday today!!

I’m pretty sure you can guess whose  😉 😉

That’s right. Vimal’s!!!

So, Vimal, if you’re reading this…


I think the last time we weren’t together for your birthday was back in 2010. I’m not there to personally make sure of it but I hope you have a supercool and awesome one this year.

I hope there’s cake


And cupcakes too




And of course, gifts!!


What’s a birthday without gifts?

But above all else, I hope there’s love


Lots of it

lots of it

Hugs & Kisses

– Nimah